You work for (or own!) Evil LLC. Time to steal some payments from Acme. Start with one of the encrypted payment messages you created in the earlier exercises. Calculate the size of the header up through the identification of the merchant and extract that many bytes of the encrypted data. XOR the plaintext header with the ciphertext header to get the keystream. Once you have this, XOR the extracted keystream with a header identifying Evil LLC as the merchant. This is the “evil” ciphertext. Copy it over the bytes of the encrypted file to create a new payment message identifying your company as the recipient. Prove that it works by decrypting the modified file.

Before doing this question, I recommend that you do Exercise 3.15 they are very similar. In fact we are going to use the code given there as a library.

First, find & define your original_header and calculate the length of the header.

Define your plaintext and ciphertext:

XOR the plaintext header with the ciphertext header to get the keystream:

Once you have this, XOR the extracted keystream with a header identifying Evil LLC as the merchant. This is the “evil” ciphertext.

Copy the “evil” header over the bytes of the encrypted file to create a new payment message identifying your company as the recipient. Prove that it works by decrypting the modified file.