How long does the attack take? Instrument your code with timing checks and a count of how many times the oracle function is called. Run the attack on a suite of inputs and determine the average amount of time to break keys of size $512, 1024, $ and \(2048\).

The code:

# ex4.13.py
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa, padding
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa import RSAPrivateKey, RSAPublicKey
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes,serialization 
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend 
import gmpy2 

from collections import namedtuple 
import timeit

Interval = namedtuple('Interval', ['a', 'b']) 

def simple_rsa_encrypt(m, public_key): 
    numbers = public_key.public_numbers() 
    return gmpy2.powmod(m, numbers.e, numbers.n)

def simple_rsa_decrypt(c: int, private_key): 
    numbers = private_key.private_numbers() 
    return gmpy2.powmod(c, numbers.d, numbers.public_numbers.n)

def int_to_bytes(i, min_size=None):
    # i might be a gmpy2 big integer; convert back to a Python int. 
    i = int(i) 
    b = i.to_bytes((i.bit_length()+7)//8, byteorder='big')
    if min_size != None and len(b) < min_size: 
        b = b'\x00'*(min_size - len(b)) + b 
    return b 

def bytes_to_int(b): 
    return int.from_bytes(b, byteorder='big')

class Oracle: 

class FakeOracle(Oracle): 
    def __init__(self, private_key): 
        self.private_key = private_key 
        self.counter = 0
    def __call__(self,cipher_text:int)-> bool : 
        self.counter += 1 
        recovered_as_int = simple_rsa_decrypt(cipher_text, private_key=self.private_key)
        recovered = int_to_bytes(recovered_as_int, min_size=self.private_key.key_size//8) 
        return recovered[:2] == bytes([0, 2])

class RSAOracleAttacker: 
    def __init__(self, public_key: RSAPublicKey, oracle: Oracle): 
        self.public_key = public_key 
        self.oracle = oracle 
    def _step1_blinding(self, c): 
        self.c0 = c 
        self.B = 2 ** (self.public_key.key_size - 16)
        self.s = [1] 
        self.M = [ 
            [Interval(2 * self.B, 3 * self.B - 1)],

        self.i = 1 
        self.n = self.public_key.public_numbers().n 
    def _find_s(self, start_s, s_max = None): 
        si = start_s 
        ci = simple_rsa_encrypt(si, self.public_key) 

        while not self.oracle((self.c0 * ci) % self.n):
            si += 1 

            if s_max and (si > s_max): 
                return None 
            ci = simple_rsa_encrypt(si, self.public_key) 

        return si 
    def _step2a_start_the_searching(self): 
        si = self._find_s(start_s=gmpy2.c_div(self.n, 3 * self.B))
        return si 
    def _step2b_searching_with_more_than_one_interval(self): 
        si = self._find_s(start_s=self.s[-1] + 1) 
        return si 
    def _step2c_searching_with_one_interval_left(self): 
        a, b = self.M[-1][0]
        ri = gmpy2.c_div(2*(b*self.s[-1] - 2 * self.B), self.n) 
        si = None 

        while si == None: 
            si = gmpy2.c_div((2*self.B + ri * self.n), b) 
            s_max = gmpy2.c_div((3 * self.B + ri * self.n), a) 
            si = self._find_s(start_s = si, s_max = s_max) 
            ri += 1 
        return si 
    def _step3_narrowing_set_of_solutions(self, si): 
        new_intervals = set() 
        for a, b in self.M[-1]: 
            r_min = gmpy2.c_div((a*si - 3 * self.B + 1), self.n) 
            r_max = gmpy2.f_div((b*si - 2 * self.B), self.n) 

            for r in range(r_min, r_max + 1): 
                a_candidate = gmpy2.c_div((2 * self.B + r * self.n), si) 
                b_candidate = gmpy2.f_div((3 * self.B-1 + r * self.n), si) 

                new_interval = Interval(max(a, a_candidate), min(b, b_candidate)) 

        new_intervals = list(new_intervals) 

        if len(new_intervals) == 1 and new_intervals[0].a == new_intervals[0].b: 
            return True 
        return False 

    def _step4_computing_the_solution(self): 
        interval = self.M[-1][0] 
        return interval.a 
    def attack(self, c): 

        # do this until there is one interval left 
        finished = False 
        while not finished: 
            if self.i == 1: 
                si = self._step2a_start_the_searching()
            elif len(self.M[-1]) > 1: 
                si = self._step2b_searching_with_more_than_one_interval() 
            elif len(self.M[-1]) == 1: 
                interval = self.M[-1][0]
                si = self._step2c_searching_with_one_interval_left() 
            finished = self._step3_narrowing_set_of_solutions(si) 
            self.i += 1 
        m = self._step4_computing_the_solution() 
        return m  

if __name__ == '__main__': 
    key_sizes_to_try = [512, 1024, 2048]

    private_keys: list[RSAPrivateKey] = [
        for key_size in key_sizes_to_try
    print("[+] Three private keys generated successfully.")

    public_keys: list[RSAPublicKey] = [
        for single_private_key in private_keys
    print("[+] Corresponding public keys generated successfully.")

    oracles: list[FakeOracle] = [
        for single_private_key in private_keys
    print("[+] Corresponding Oracles generated successfully.")

    msg = b'Hello Bob? How are you? Max varies. Love Alice'

    ciphertexts = [
            plaintext = msg, 
            padding = padding.PKCS1v15(),
        for public_key in public_keys

    rsa_oracle_attackers: list[RSAOracleAttacker] = [
        RSAOracleAttacker(public_key=public_key, oracle=oracle)
        for public_key, oracle in zip(public_keys, oracles)
    print("[+] Corresponding Oracle attackers generated successfully.")

    print("Setup code done. Attack phase starting...")
    for key_size, attacker, c in zip(key_sizes_to_try, rsa_oracle_attackers, ciphertexts): 
        print(f"Attacking the ciphertext encrypted with key size: {key_size}")
        c_in_int: int = bytes_to_int(c)
        time_it_took = timeit.timeit(lambda: attacker.attack(c_in_int), number=1)
        print(f"\t * Time it took: {time_it_took} seconds")
        print(f"\t * Number of times oracle is called: {attacker.oracle.counter}")

Note that this code does not answer the question fully. The question asks to give the code a “suite of inputs” and to take the average. I will leave that up to you. 😉